New Arrivals

Auckland’s newest, coolest recycling dudes
We are Auckland’s newest, coolest recycling dudes and we are in Birkenhead, itself a pretty cool place. After starting out in an upstairs cell above The Collective in Mokoia Road, we have now moved to the other (posh?) end of Birkenhead, 2 Enterprise Street, just off Hinemoa. Apart from restoring and rejuvenating our own collection of junk and gems, we can help you restore your own time-worn treasures. Even if they are not particularly time-worn or treasured – don’t chuck it out until you have had a chat with us – restoration does not have to cost the planet (unlike chucking it out, which does).
To say some of our stuff is quirky would be to understate the case – where else would you find a life-size cut-out of Brad Pitt, a large bronze gorilla and a giant papier maché warthog?
Everything we sell is a result of recycling in some shape or form, from genuine antique and vintage furniture to new ‘creations’ using old bits of household flotsam and industrial jetsam.
Please come and check us out: as long as you say we are cool, we are happy for you to just mooch around, admire the treasures and listen to our music